Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Consultant says county needs GIS specialist


The lack of a full-time geographic information systems (GIS) specialist for Coryell County is the biggest deficiency in the county's record and information gathering capabilities, a consultant told the Coryell County Commissioners Court during a special meeting of the court on Feb. 24.

Steve Manning, president of Natural Resources Solutions, said that although his company and other companies can provide some GIS services, the lack of an employee dedicated to that area is holding the county back.

"You need a GIS specialist," he told the commissioners court. "I know that costs money but eventually it will save you money."

He said having a GIS specialist would allow that person to do map work for different data countywide instead of having a contractor do the work.

"If you put a pencil to it (figuring up the costs of a county employee doing the work rather than paying contractors), it will save you money," Manning said.

"The big gap I see so far is GIS. Y'all are paying us or someone else to do it. You'll get a very big return on investment if you handle it in house."

County Attorney Brandon Belt said the issue isn't one that will be decided at least until the next county budget is enacted, which takes place during the summer months.

"The GIS issue isn't going to get resolved until a decision is reached at budget time, and we need to determine what direction the court wants to go," Belt said.

"It will be better for you if you can handle it in house," Manning said.

"Unfortunately, we have a lot of things in that category," Belt said.