Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dr. Pollard gives back-to-school update to GISD Board


The Gatesville Independent School District Board of Trustees met on Monday, August 21. GISD Superintendent, Dr. Barrett Pollard, provided a brief, back-to-school update to board members.

Pollard reported that as of August 16, student enrollment was at 2,679 – ending last year with 2,642.

Despite the City’s demolition of the Rotunda building, the installation of fiber under roads near the school, and the Lover’s Lane water and sewer pipe project, Pollard reported that the arrival and dismissal procedures have been smooth.

“We really appreciate the City and their contractors working with us to avoid disruptions during the peak arrival and dismissal times,” he said.

Pollard stated that the students and staff have been working hard not only with day-to-day academics, but also the many extra-curricular activities that are being offered during the fall.

“We have paid very close attention to the heat, and our staff have been very diligent in making sure the students get plenty of water breaks. We have altered practice times to avoid some of the hottest temperatures. Our lower campuses avoid afternoon recess as a precaution on days that are especially hot,” Pollard said.

Overall, Pollard said that the start of the 2023-24 school year has been very smooth.