Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Focusing on leadership, volunteering for Lions Club


Former Lions Club District Gov. Angela Cases talked about the impact of volunteers in the community and thanked the Gatesville Lions Club for its strong volunteer spirit during a recent presentation to the club at the Junction on 36 restaurant.

"It's amazing how you guys continue to do a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more," Cases said. "You are an example for other clubs with the number of things you're involved in. If you do a lot of small things, it adds up to a really big impact.

"Y'all are so engaged in your community - that's wonderful. Y'all are the boots on the ground. It's incredible how you identify needs and get things done."

Cases said she travels frequently and often listens to TED (technology, entertainment, and design) talks and learned a statistic about how people who volunteer for others get a 70% return on their investment. "You gain something for yourself when you volunteer to help somebody else."

She also spoke on the nature of leadership, which she said is sometimes allowing others to take charge of an initiative.

"Sometimes leadership is just being able to help someone else, walking beside them and letting them know they have your support," Cases said. "A lot of people aren't looking for a handout, they're looking for a hand up, and that's something Lions can provide.

"Each of you as individuals, because of what you do, are all leaders in your community. It gives you an opportunity to think about tomorrow, and what we can do next."