Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Judd and Doss take on Gatesville Elementary School


Gatesville Independent School District has announced that Gatesville Elementary will be the home of two new principals. Karrie Judd will be in the role of head principal, and Jennifer Doss will take on the position of assistant principal.

Both Judd and Doss have served within the education field for many years and have a special place in their hearts for Gatesville Elementary.

Judd has been in education for 32 years, but her journey with Gatesville ISD began three years ago as she has taken on many roles including teaching, instructional specialist, and assistant principal.

When she first started working at Gatesville ISD she was placed at the Elementary School as a second-grade teacher. She was later promoted to assistant principal, which she has been serving as for the past two years.

“I am excited to take on the role of principal, number one, for our students,” she said. “When I came to Gatesville, I fell in love with the students, and I love seeing them grow and thrive in a school that truly cares for them.”

This past school year, Doss completed her eighteenth year in education, with eight of those years dedicated to Gatesville ISD. She began at the elementary school as a third-grade teacher and recently served as an instructional coach. She has also been the co-campus testing coordinator where she was able to aid teachers with instructional needs and resources.

She is also a proud alumnus of Gatesville High School herself, having graduated in 2001. She expressed that she had many great memories in school, which happens to be the reason why she chose to teach and give back to her hometown.

Judd expressed that she is also eager about continuing to work with and support the staff of the elementary.

“Our staff is the heart of our school; you can feel the love we have for kids when you walk in our building,” she said.

With prior knowledge as an assistant principal, she believes that she has gained valuable experience in supporting teachers, students, and parents.

“I feel the relationships I have built in our school community have prepared me to understand the importance of creating a positive school culture,” she said.

In Doss’s new role as assistant principal of the Elementary School, she expressed that she is looking forward to continuing to support the people around her at a different level than before.

“I am excited to work with parents and our school community; it is important that parents and the school community are a part of our students’ learning experience,” she said.

“I am very grateful for being promoted to the role of assistant principal, it means so much that the campus faculty and staff as well as the district administration believe in me,” she said. I am thankful for a great campus leadership team and look forward to working alongside Mrs. Judd.”

Judd has several goals and plans for the upcoming school year, but her main goal includes to continue to create a positive school environment where all students feel safe, valued, and supported in their academic and personal growth.

“Through professional development, I hope to implement innovative teaching and learning practices that enhance our students’ learning,” Judd said. “Additionally, I plan to continue strengthening partnerships with our families and community.”

“Overall, I want our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally,” she said.

Doss expressed that she is eager to take on the challenges and professional growth opportunities that come with being in a new position.

Her goal for the school year is to continue building relationships across the campus to maintain a positive campus culture. She said that Gatesville Elementary is a very special place, and like a second family to her.

“I want to continue to serve those people and I look forward to working closely with our teachers, students, and parents,” she said. “The best parts of the day are when I get the opportunity to interact with the kids, whether it be unloading them in the mornings, loading them in the afternoons, quick chats in the hallway, classroom visits, or just the smiles and waves from across the hall.”

“Kids are the reason we are here,” she said. “It is our job to inspire, mentor, motivate, and advocate for them.”

What Judd loves most about working with students is the opportunity to make a positive impact on young lives. She expressed that it is incredibly rewarding to see students grow and learn both academically and socially.

“I love collaborating with our staff to create an environment that promotes life-long love of learning,” she said. “Our students are our future, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things they do.”