Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pritchett shines in Gatesville ISD Student Spotlight


During the Jan. 22nd meeting of the Gatesville Independent School District Board of Trustees, Landry Pritchett was honored during the Student Spotlight presentation.

GISD Superintendent Dr. Barrett Pollard had the following to say about Pritchett:

Landry Pritchett is a 4th grader at Gatesville Intermediate School. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about all things military. This is very evident in his conversations with others as he loves to talk about military events, past and present. He also exhibits this through his acts of patriotism.

A few weeks ago, social worker Joyce Cole observed Landry in the foyer of a gym. No one else was around, and Landry did not see Mrs. Cole. When the National Anthem started playing, Landry very quickly stood at attention and saluted the flag. This made a fantastic impression on Mrs. Cole, and she recommended this recognition.

Landry's teachers also commented on his enthusiasm pertaining to subjects of interest to him. An example of this was when he got into character during a recent drama unit. His performance was entertaining to watch and enjoyed by the rest of the class. For all of these reasons, we want to recognize Landry Pritchett.