Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Shoaf highlights high school coaches in newsletter


This newsletter will spotlight the amazing men and women we are blessed to call Gatesville High School coaches.

What aspect of coaching do you enjoy the most?

Coach Chase Smith said, “I like to see the kids be able to carry over the lessons they learn on the field to everyday life - from learning how to handle success and adversity to learning how to be competitive in everything they do.”

Coach Brit Campbell said, “There are many aspects of coaching that I enjoy. One of the most enjoyable for me is the relationships that I have and build with my athletes. Having the relationships built makes the huge wins that much bigger, the tough losses are easier to get through together, I am able to coach them harder and hold them to a higher standard, and it is more enjoyable to share their progress and success with them.”

What do you enjoy most about being in the classroom?

Coach Andrea Holdbrook said, “I really enjoy the constant interaction with students. I get to see what they’re like off the field and in the hallways, and it helps me better understand who they are. I also really enjoy figuring out how they learn best.”

Campbell said, “I enjoy getting to know the students; it allows me to help teach them, and it is easier to make class and learning more fun.”

What’s the best part of your coaching season?

Coach Aaron Hunter said, “The best part of football season is seeing your team grow together and become a family.”

Holdbrook said, “All of it! Obviously, it’s my favorite time of the year because I get to share what I love with others for four to five months. It’s hard to pick one aspect that I enjoy the most, but I really love how the group molds together to form a family. Nothing is better than watching them get excited for each other during competition.”

There is no doubt in my mind that a good coach can change a game, but a great coach can change a life.

Gatesville High School is located at 205 S. Lovers Lane.