Tuesday, July 2, 2024

One tough cookie...


During the past few years, the determination and stamina of the lone Girl Scout in Gatesville has been in full force when it comes to selling cookies and establishing herself as a local driving force. As in years past, she could be described as “one tough cookie.”

Mackenzie Stacher always sets a goal of how many Girl Scout cookies she wants to sell. “Last year, I sold 5,068 boxes,” she said.

Stacher joined the Girl Scouts in 2017 - the summer after her 3rd-grade school year. “I’ve been in Girl Scouts for seven years now – almost half my life since I’m now 16. I started as a Brownie and worked my way up to Ambassador,” she said. “Being an Ambassador means that I am nearing the end of a very long journey of trail blazing and young entrepreneurship.”

Stacher continued, “Girl Scouts has definitely thickened my skin and has taught me how life after high school might be. I’ve learned to work with people and how to attempt to work with difficult people. I’ve learned hard work and how to brave discomfort and frustration with a smile. Most of all, I’ve learned that the saying ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ is 100% true.”

During the last few years, she has encountered a few setbacks – all weather-related. She has remained steadfast and continued to sell cookies during cold weather, high winds, and ice. Her determination and strong work ethics continue to help her reach her scouting goal of being able to go with other scouts on a trip to Paris, France during her last year in Scouts in 2025.

She commented on the strong support she has received from her parents, Michael and Sheila Stacher. “I would have never gotten where I am today without my parents. They are my backbone. They are at every booth, they love and support me, they brave the weather with me whether good or bad, hot or cold, no matter how miserable. They help me fight my battles and protect me from disrespectful customers. Without them, I don’t think selling 5,000 boxes (of cookies) would have been possible last year - nor 3,000 this year. I truly love how supportive my parents have been of me in Girl Scouts.”

Being the lone member of the Gatesville Girl Scout troop, Stacher commented on her quest to sell cookies, “I bite off way more than I can chew, and it almost always pays off. My ambition is taking me places. I juggle college classes, regular schoolwork, band UIL, mock trial, and Girl Scouts in addition to having to do housework and stay connected with friends.”

Stacher can be viewed as a hardworking Gatesville Hornet.