Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pearl News


We would like to thank Garrett and Cooper Dickey, T Bob Cole, Chris and Ronald Ray, and Jeff and Sandra Carswell for working so hard during the Pearl Cemetery Workday last week.

Many have remarked upon how wonderful everything looks. The new Pavilion and the well-kept grounds honor our loved ones gone before us and provide for future needs – even though we don’t like to think about such times. It really does the heart good to know how very much people care about this sweet community and are willing to give of their time and effort to see that it remains the peaceful, beautiful place that it is.

Since the busyness of last week, things have been quiet in Pearl so far this week…. except for that darned teeny weeny, turquoise greeny, stringy bikini. Some of the Book Cottage patrons noticed that it put out a strange vibe during the Flea Market last weekend, and they sure let me know that something is rotten in Denmark… well, Pearl, actually. It seems that there was a strange hissing, a slight rumble and a bit of rustling in the vicinity of the framed atrocity. Kay said she just stayed away from the “grazzle-frack-ed” thing as she was sure it was going to jump off the wall and envelop her like a hysterical spider. In checking my records, I’ve noticed a pattern. It happens every October. That blasted bikini seems to know that it’s spooks and goblins season, and then it quivers and quakes until it gets loose and wreaks havoc on Pearl. Folks, this is fair warning. That squalid suit is most likely on a Halloween Haunt, and who knows what mayhem will transpire. I’ve done my part as best as I could from all the way in East Texas—I’ve warned Kay, Linda, and Corlisa to be on guard for UBA (Unusual Bikini Activity). I will keep you posted, so stay tuned.

This week’s Scripture: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 NIV

Contact me at betsyclark47@yahoo.com to submit any Pearl news.

Check out Jennifer Rushton’s Facebook page, Pearl Community Center, Texas.

There’s no place like Pearl!