Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pearl News


It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Mr. Raymond Hall of Evant. Mr. Hall’s service was held at Scott’s Funeral Home on Saturday, Aug. 20.

Burial followed at Beehouse Cemetery with a lunch that followed at the Pearl Community Center. Mr. Hall’s wife was a Pearl School alumni, and they were very active in the Pearl Community Center through the years. They were also instrumental in the renovation of that building. When the Pearl Church of Christ had their college scholarship auctions, Mr. Hall always donated some of his turned wood bowls to this cause. Those beautiful bowls caused bidding wars (polite ones) to occur as everyone wanted one of those beautiful items for two reasons—first because they are so gorgeous and secondly because Raymond made them.

We will miss Raymond, and we still miss his sweet wife, Ino. Please keep this family in your prayers for comfort and peace, and may they remember Mr. and Mrs. Hall with love and thanksgiving that they are both now in the arms of their Savior and King.

Items for the Labor Day Sunday Scholarship Silent Auction and Fish Fry on Sept. 4 are out and ready for bidding in the dining room at the Pearl Church of Christ. All proceeds from this auction benefit the scholarship fund for local and His Kids students. Everyone is invited to attend!

The next Pearl Bluegrass event will be Sept. 10. September is the only month that the Bluegrass event happens on the second Saturday of the month instead of the first Saturday. The Pearl Cottage Bookstore will also be open that day, too. Hope you come and bring friends!

The Pearl Community Center Flea Market will be held on Oct. 14-15, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. each of those days. Booths may be set up prior to the event on Oct. 13. More information coming soon.

The Pearl Church of Christ will celebrate its 127th birthday on Oct. 16. The church service begins at 10:30 a.m. with a catered dinner on the grounds to follow. If you have a vintage car, be sure and drive it to church that day. Plaques will be given to the youngest and oldest attending, the couple married the longest, the longest attending church member, and to the one that traveled the longest distance. All are invited to attend.

Unfortunately, I have more fake news to clear up that I accidently reported last week regarding Linda Ray’s people contacting my people. Mrs. Ray informed me that I had forgotten that we have no people—they all quit long ago. SMH! So, the only true thing about this whole story about Linda’s cooking is that she, in fact, does not cook! However, she is still the reigning champion in shopping in the freezer section of any grocery store—as long as the microwave directions do not exceed three minutes. That, folks, is true!

This week’s Bible verses: “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” NIV

Contact me at betsyclark47@yahoo.com to submit any Pearl news.

Check out Jennifer Rushton’s Facebook page, Pearl Community Center, Texas.