Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Recipe of the week


This recipe appeared in the “Methodist Best” cookbook in 2008. The Gatesville Messenger is running a series of recipes from that cookbook. If your church has a cookbook, or if you would like to submit your own recipe of a favorite dish for possible publication, please email it to: editor@gatesvillemessenger.com

Oven Fried Chicken Parmesan

Paula Melbern Weeks

1 clove garlic                                                 2 T. minced parsley

4 oz. butter, melted                                     1 tsp. salt

1 c. soft white breadcrumbs                      ½ tsp. pepper

1/3 c. grated Parmesan cheese                 2 ½ lbs. cut up chicken

Crush the garlic clove and combine with butter in shallow baking dish. Combine breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, parsley, salt & pepper. Dip chicken into butter and then coat it in the bread crumb mixture. Arrange chicken one layer deep in a large shallow baking pan and drizzle evenly with remaining butter. Bake uncovered at 350 for 1 to 1 ¼ hours until tender and browned. You can use 6 chicken breasts with ½ of the breadcrumb mixture.