Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Recipe of the week


This recipe appeared in the “Methodist Best” cookbook in 2008. The Gatesville Messenger plans to run a series of recipes from that cookbook. If your church has a cookbook or if you would like to submit your own recipe of a favorite dish for possible publication, please email it to: editor@gatesvillemessenger.com.

Chicken Curry Tea Sandwich

Diana Miller

2 cooked whole chicken breasts, finely chopped               Curry powder (or paste) to taste

¼ c. finely chopped nuts                                                          16 slices best-quality white bread

4 stalks of celery finely chopped                                           ½ c. unsalted butter, room temperature

Salt to taste                                                                               mayonnaise (enough to moisten)

In a large bowl, combine chicken, nuts, celery, salt, and mayonnaise; stir until well blended. Add curry powder or paste (remember a little goes a long way with curry – be careful). Spread one side of each piece of bread lightly with butter. Top the buttered side of 8 slices of bread with some of the chicken mixture and top with the remaining bread slices, buttered side down. Carefully cut the crusts from each sandwich with a sharp knife. Cut the sandwiches in half diagonally and then cut in half again. Allow 4 to 6 sandwich servings per person. If needed, sandwiches can be made in advance. To keep them from drying out, cover them loosely with a sheet of wax paper and then place a damp kitchen towel over the wax paper. Refrigerate. When ready to serve, remove from refrigerator. Uncover sandwiches just before serving.