Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Recipe of the Week


This recipe appeared in the “Methodist Best” cookbook in 2008. The Gatesville Messenger plans to run a series of recipes from that cookbook. If your church has a cookbook or if you would like to submit your own recipe of a favorite dish for possible publication, please email it to: editor@gatesvillemessenger.com.

Marinated Asparagus

Ann Miller

½ c. extra virgin olive oil                            1 T. chopped fresh parsley

¼ c. red wine vinegar                                 2 T. chopped pimento

1 T. salt                                                          2 T. chopped green onions

1 tsp. sugar                                                  1 lb. thin fresh asparagus, trimmed, and blanched

¼ c. chopped green bell peppers

Combine oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, bell peppers, parsley, pimento, and green onion in shallow, nonmetallic bowl. Add asparagus, tossing to coat. Cover and marinate for several hours in the refrigerator. Serve chilled or at room temperature.