Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Recipe of the Week


This recipe appeared in the “Methodist Best” cookbook in 2008. The Gatesville Messenger plans to run a series of recipes from that cookbook. If your church has a cookbook or if you would like to submit your own recipe of a favorite dish for possible publication, please email it to: editor@gatesvillemessenger.com.

Hobo Bread

Edith Stone

1 ½ c. walnuts                                2 c. sugar

2 c. raisins                                       4 c. flour

2 c. boiling water                           1 ¼ c. oil or 1 c. apple sauce and ¼ oil

4 level tsp. soda                             2 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. salt.

Put raisins, soda, and boiling water in bowl and stir. Cover and let set overnight or 12 hours. Add salt, sugar, flour, cinnamon and oil or apple sauce. Mix well. Grease and flour two loaf pans. Bake at 350 for one hour or until toothpick comes out clean. Let stand 5 minutes. Remove from pan and cool. Can be frozen. This bread is especially good for breakfast. Just heat, butter, and serve with coffee or fruit juice.