Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Folks Around Town

Say hello to our neighbor, Kayleigh Tennison!


Kayleigh has been the algebra-one teacher at Gatesville High School for over two years. She started out working as an aide and a long-term substitute teacher while she was finishing her college degree and teaching certifications.

“I love getting to know the kids and helping them grow with their math skills,” Tennison said. “It’s also nice having them during their freshman year, so I get to see them grow up as they go through high school.”

She moved to Gatesville when she was seven years old when her father was stationed at Fort Hood in the United States Army.

 “I love it here and haven’t left since,” she said. “I love the small town feel and deep roots everyone has around here.” She expressed that it is nice to be able to see a familiar face wherever she goes.

Kayleigh reads The Gatesville Messenger and she said, “The Gatesville Messenger is a great tool for getting information around town. Since Gatesville is small enough that you know almost everybody, it makes the newspaper feel more personal.”

If you happen to see Kayleigh around town, say hello. She is one of us!