Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Art exhibition to bring awareness to child trafficking


Texas is one of the leading states in reported human trafficking cases. Of the 234,000 victims, approximately 79,000 are believed to be minors, according to a 2016 report by the University of Texas.

Due to the rising number of cases, local art enthusiast Esther Allen is banding together with Texas artists to help bring awareness to and combat the trafficking of children in the state.

“What's happening in our little cities is horrific,” Allen said. “Going around talking to people, I've been hearing stories, and I'm just dismayed and heartbroken about the stories that I'm hearing.”

On March 9, an art gallery at the Baylor Club in Waco will exhibit work from regional artists who will donate 25% to 100% of the proceeds to Unbound Now, a Texas-based nonprofit that supports survivors and communities to fight against human trafficking worldwide.

The event will also include speakers who will share information and educate attendees regarding the sex trafficking situation in the Central Texas area, including Unbound Now members, law enforcement, and local nonprofits.

“It’s going to sadden some people, but hopefully this will help them understand the importance of protecting (children) and getting the message out,” Allen said.

After attending a presentation from Unbound Now at a local garden club, Allen said she wanted to do something to help.

“I was shocked by what I was hearing,” she said. “I said this can't be possible, not here. But it's happening.”

An artist herself, Allen said she met several artists through her involvement with an area chapter of The Watercolor Society. She hopes that this is an opportunity to not only donate to an important cause, but also showcase the hard work of local artists. She said artists from all over Texas will present their work at the event, including one artist from Colorado.

“We still have to create that smile, that there's going to be hope, that there will be hope in helping children,” Allen said.

The gallery will include a variety of art in different mediums, including paintings, photography, sculptures, and more.

Carla Hammonds, a Western lifestyle photographer in Gatesville, is one of the artists displaying her work at the event.

“I love that they're educating children to be aware of their surroundings,” Hammonds said. “It gets emotional thinking about it. And also, to help those who have unfortunately gone through the horrors of what's going on with trafficking.”

Clifton artist Laura Parent will showcase pencil graphite and charcoal sketches of her animals. She said she enjoys giving to important causes and has donated her art at similar events that bring awareness to those in need.  

“I'm doing this event because helping children, any child that is being taken from us, stolen and hurt, and (has) destroyed their lives, I want to donate toward this organization to make sure that that can stop,” Parent said. “Hopefully, we can get a little bit towards that just get everyone motivated.”

Representatives from Gatesville’s faith-based organization, Righteous Roots, will also participate in the event to promote their mission and ways to join the efforts to combat human trafficking.

“The Righteous Roots mission is to provide services to people who are dealing with all forms of abuse, so that includes trafficking,” said Melanie Webb, Director of Righteous Roots. “We want our local people to know that it does not matter if you are from a small town or large city, abuse is prevalent in the area.”

 “Unchain the Bound-Age of Child Trafficking” art and sculpture event will take place from 2-7 p.m. at the Baylor Club in Waco on March 9. Attendees will have the opportunity to view and purchase work from local artists and help support the fight against child trafficking. Membership of the club is not required.

Learn more about local resources at unboundnow.org/Waco