Sunday, October 6, 2024
Pearl News

Today is the day to be in Pearl


Today is the day! Go to the Pearl Community Center and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore. Hurry! You do not want to miss a great time with loads of friendly people, tons of wonderful live bluegrass music, and fabulous shopping in the friendliest bookstore in Texas. The stage show starts at 1 p.m., and the bookstore opens at 9 a.m. Admission to the bluegrass event is free, free, free! You can even sign your band up to play on the stage by just putting your name on the board in the Community Center hallway. Jamming goes on all day both in the outside areas and in the many rooms of the center. Did I mention it’s free? And there’s pie! Go to the Bluegrass Kitchen for very reasonably priced lunch items and desserts (cash only). Purchases from the kitchen help to support the Community Center. You can also make a donation on the table just outside of the kitchen to help with costs associated with keeping this wonderful, historic building up and going and continuing the bluegrass events. Purchases at the Pearl Cottage Bookstore are mostly by donation only—the motto is “buy what you want, pay what you want.” All monies received go toward local charities. There are over 6,000 books in excellent condition in the bookstore. There are also many new items this month, so be sure and check them out—jewelry, a full and twin headboard, a gorgeous mirror that matches the headboard, and many glass and knick knack items. Kay, Linda, and Corlisa will love seeing you. Please support Pearl by attending these awesome events. You will be investing in the future of Pearl!

Mark your calendars for Oct. 20 for the Pearl Church of Christ 129th Homecoming. Dr. Charles Patterson will be the speaker, and there will be a catered lunch following the service. Plaques for the longest attending member, the youngest attending that day, the oldest attending that day, the longest married couple, and the farthest traveled that day will be given. You don’t want to miss this important event. Bring family, friends, and those you just met to Pearl Church of Christ. The friendliness of this church is unparalleled. You will be so glad you came.

Update on “The Cat Whisperer:” It has been reported that Mr. Cat Whisperer’s people are now in negotiation with Mrs. Ray’s people concerning the future employment and salary of said Whisperer a.k.a. Mr. R. McDonald. I cannot validate such claims, however, as I cannot find the people—anyone’s people. It could be that the people either quit, got fired, or it could be that there were never really any people in the first place. It could also be that this might be fake news. I never really know with all of these, uh, people. What can I say? Only in Pearl, and there’s no place like it.

This week’s Bible verse comes from Titus 2: 11-13: “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” NIV

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page, and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to