Tuesday, July 2, 2024

UWF Meeting held June 11


United Women in Faith met on June 11, in the Banquet Room of the First Methodist Church in Gatesville, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Seventeen members were present. The hostesses were Marilyn Decker and Diana Smith.

President Patsy Smart called the meeting to order by leading in the Blessing. Part of the refreshments, the baking of bread, went with the program, and members sang “Let Us Break Bread Together” before they ate.  During refreshments, Linda Klontz led members in picking new prayer partners for the month.  Following refreshments, President Smart thanked the hostesses and read The Purpose.  Mary Beth Bogard read from the Daily Prayer Guide and Velva Riddle read from the Response Magazine.  Debbie Martin presented the program, Session 4 from our book “Living the Kin-dom,” an exploration of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6, verse 11. The words are, “Give us this day our daily bread.” God does not want us to be anxious about what we shall eat or drink or what we shall wear. In John Chapter 6, verse 35, Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.”  Not only does he satisfy our bodily hunger, but also satisfies our souls. In the U.S., we are so blessed for all we have—so much more than so many in the world. Thanks be to God.

President Smart called the business meeting to order. President Smart read some thank you notes. Most of the business was announcements. It was reported that Karen Schmidt is helping register for the Global Women’s meeting on Nov. 16, in Waco. The funeral of Sonny Drosche, the man killed in the accident on Hwy 36 last Saturday, was announced as being on Thursday morning at the St. Paul Lutheran Church at The Grove. A meeting of those helping in Vacation Bible School was Wednesday at 6 p.m.  Marilyn Decker led in having members sign several cards for the sick, and President Smart asked those who hadn’t yet signed up for the August salad supper to do so.

Meeting adjourned with the Benediction.